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Azure Kubernetes Service AKS Virtual Nodes (Serverless)

Step-01: Introduction


Azure Kubernetes Service with Azure DevOps and Terraform

Step-02: Create a new cluster using Azure Management Console

  • Basics
  • Subscription: Free Trial or Pay-as-you-go
  • Resource Group: Creat New: aks-rg2
  • Kubernetes Cluster Name: aksdemo2
  • Region: (US) Central US
  • Kubernetes Version: Select what ever is latest stable version
  • Node Size: Standard DS2 v2 (Default one)
  • Node Count: 1
  • Node Pools
  • Virtual Nodes: Enabled
  • leave to defaults
  • Authentication
  • Authentication method: System-assigned managed identity
  • Rest all leave to defaults
  • Networking
  • Network Configuration: Advanced
  • Network Policy: Azure
  • Rest all leave to defaults
  • Integrations
  • Azure Container Registry: None
  • leave to defaults
  • Tags
  • leave to defaults
  • Review + Create
  • Click on Create

Step-03: Verify Nodes & ACI

# Configure Command Line Credentials
az aks get-credentials --name aksdemo2 --resource-group aks-rg2

# Verify Nodes
kubectl get nodes 
kubectl get nodes -o wide

# Verify aci-connector-linux
kubectl get pods -n kube-system

# Verify logs of ACI Connector Linux
kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get po -n kube-system | egrep -o 'aci-connector-linux-[A-Za-z0-9-]+') -n kube-system
- We should see virtual-node-aci-linux node also listed for kubectl get nodes output - Sample Output
Kalyans-MacBook-Pro:azure-aks-kubernetes-masterclass kdaida$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
aks-agentpool-87689508-vmss000000   Ready    agent   24m   v1.17.11
virtual-node-aci-linux              Ready    agent   21m   v1.14.3-vk-azure-aci-v1.2.1.1
Kalyans-MacBook-Pro:azure-aks-kubernetes-masterclass kdaida$

Step-04: Update Deployment Manifest to Schedule Pod on Virtual Nodes

  • The below section should be added in Deployment for Azure AKS to schedule the pod on Azure Virtual Nodes
  • Review the manifests
            type: virtual-kubelet
          - key:
            operator: Exists
          - key:
            effect: NoSchedule

Step-05: Deploy Application Manifests

# Deploy
kubectl apply -f kube-manifests/

# Verify pods
kubectl get pods -o wide

# Get Public IP
kubectl get svc

# Access Application

Step-06: Scale the Deployment

# List Deployments
kubectl get deploy

# Scale the Deployment to 10 Replicas
kubectl scale --replicas=10 deployment app1-nginx-deployment

# List Pods
kubectl get pods

Step-07: Clean-Up

# Delete Application
kubectl delete -f kube-manifests/

# Delete this new cluster created for Virtual Nodes (if you want to)
az aks delete --name aksdemo2 --resource-group aks-rg2


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